Solving a connection error

How to solve a SNS connection error?

If your SNS feed does not link to your website smoothly, please refer to methods below.

1. When your SNS account is not linked to your website at the Admin page,

1) In the case that you already log-in your SNS account.

Log-out the SNS account > Delete web browser cache and cookies > Log-in at the Admin page again.

2) In the case that you do not log-in your SNS account.

Delete web browser cache and cookie > Log-in at the Admin page again.

2. When you can not see your latest social posts on your website.

Each social media service takes some time to upload new posts to their servers, which can later be fetched as a feed. This process usually takes a few minutes.

After that, you’ll be able to read your latest posts on your site.

Last updated